But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

All too often we hear of marriages falling apart or dissolving in divorce due to one partner “falling out of love” with the other because of changes in their physical appearance. Either the wife’s smooth skin has become marred with stretch marks or the husbands six pack has evolved into a keg. As surely as we live and breathe these physical bodies will betray us! This is why is crucially important that we get to know and love the heart and spirit of our mates. Our scripture reference for today, reminds us not to become overly concerned with the outward appearance of our significant others.

There is absolutely no place for superficiality in a marriage. God is only concerned with what is in our hearts. Therefore, we should follow Our Father’s lead and love like Him. Our love for each other should be a reflection of God’s perfect love for each of us. You see, God’s love for us is unconditional. He loves us in spite of our many flaws. So too, we should love our mates…flaws and all. The love that we hold in our hearts for one another should be powerful enough to cause us to see each other through God’s eyes. It should also cause us to remind our mates (especially in their times of self-doubt) that they are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Finally, don’t allow yourself to be deceived or distracted by the looks of someone whom the enemy may plant in your path. Just as in our scripture reference warns, they may have a great physique and be beautiful on the outside, yet be someone who God Himself does not approve of.

Remember…everything that looks good to us is not necessary good for us. So love on your mate with an everlasting love that reflects God’s grace.

Peace & Blessings!

Brent & Angel

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